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Chiropractic In The News Media

This page is a good source to view Chiropractic Testimonials that have recently made mainstream or local media/news coverage. It may offer some encouragment and credibility for those that are on the fence when it comes to giving Chiropractic a try.

The following all have links to YouTube videos for your viewing pleasure:

High Blood Pressure?

Watch a recent video that made Good Morning America on ABC News. The video clip talks about a study that has shown success in lowering blood pressure in patients with high blood pressure.

More Videos:
Chiropractic Adjustment Treats Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

ABC News - High Blood Pressure Miracle

Chiropractic High Blood Pressure - CBS NEWS

Is this a "miracle?" No, not hardly... Alignment is crucial to health. Is alignment alone going to lower chronic high blood pressure? No...but, it should be considered a key component along with diet and exercise...together, alignment, healthy lifestyle and healthy thinking will make a huge difference. Your nervous system controls everything!

"I often will take a pre- and post- adjustment blood pressure reading on many of my HBP/Hypertensive patients. The numbers after the adjustment are always better. Talk about making someone's eyes get a little bigger! Adjustments around the often over-tense and subluxated C1 area are profound. Almost every nerve in the body passes through C1, so it's a very important area to keep clear and in good alignment."

-Dr. Mason

Montel Williams gets GREAT RESULTS with Chiropractic for MS:

Watch a video clip from the Montel Williams show giving a testimony of how chiropractic has changed his life and daily battle with MS. Pretty cool stuff! Adjustments are a very powerful tool!

-Dr. Mason

Chiropractic Featured on the Dr. Oz Show:

Watch this video to see Dr. Oz discuss how chiropractic care is more effective for back pain than medication.

Chiropractic Featured on the show "The Doctors":

This video from The Doctors demonstrates the benefits of chiropractic care after a physical trauma. In this case, it was a very active lady that fell from a horse that led her to give chiropractic a try.

Chiropractic Featured on the Dr. Phil Show:

In this video clip from The Dr. Phil Show, Dr. Phil discusees chiropractic care with Dr. Fabrizio Mancini. It ties in the three main stressors in life: physical, chemical and emotional stress (with a primary focus on mental/emotional stress in this case) that create subluxatons and the need for chiropractic adjustments. Dr. Phil admits to seeing his chiropractor on a weekly basis for maintenance adjustments. Smart man!

The benefits of Chiropractic discussed by Dr. G

Jerry Rice Shares His Personal Success with Chiropractic Care:

Click Here to hear the greatest NFL wideout of all time share his testimony of how important chiropractic care has been to his longevity in the NFL. Jerry still gets treated to this day. He says it really helped him remain in shape and flexible when he competed (and won!) Dancing With The Stars recently.

-Dr. Mason

Kelly Ripa gets adjusted Live on TV:

Watch this video to see Kelly get a quick adjustment on live TV. Dr. Roy Siegel of New York uses an Activator to adjust Kelly's sore neck live on the Regis & Kelly Show. This is that "clicker tool" I will often use as a "primer" to adjust and remove your subluxations...and no, there are no staples involved. Ha! The Activator Method is a great way to make small adjustments and can be used on individuals that fear hands-on adjusting.

-Dr. Mason

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  • "I was experiencing a stiff neck and painful low back with limited ranges of motion. My results were much improved range of motion and low back pain was eliminated. After adjustments and a couple of massages, I played my best round of golf of the year - pain free!"
    Chris R. / Franklin, TN

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