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The Incredible, Edible EGG

image.jsp?bid=121001052&id=40441The Incredible, Edible EGG

In light of February being "Heart Health Month", and in adjunct to last week's blog (Healthy Heart Jump Start) that included 10 Proactive Steps to Prevent Heart Disease, I wanted to discuss another common myth: The Egg

The persistent myth that cholesterol causes heart disease has scared many of us away from eating eggs on a regular basis. But there is absolutely no research that links egg consumption to heart disease.

A recent review of the scientific literature published in Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care clearly indicates that egg consumption has no discernible impact on blood cholesterol levels in 70% of the population. In the other 30% of the population, eggs do increase both circulating LDL and HDL cholesterol...but...

But remember, as discussed in last week's blog, overconsumption of sugars and simple grains/carbs are the culprit to arterial wall damage. Cholesterol just appears to be patching up the continued damage from these type of inflammatory and oxidative damaging foods.

You've probably been conditioned to believe that anything that raises LDL cholesterol (so-called "bad" cholesterol) should be avoided like the plague. But recent research suggests that it's not the amount of cholesterol in an LDL particle (a.k.a. LDL cholesterol, or LDL-C) that drives heart disease risk, but instead the number of LDL particles in the bloodstream.

If anything, egg consumption is likely to protect against heart disease because it increases the proportion of large, buoyant LDL particles. Larger LDL particles can carry more cholesterol, which means fewer particles are needed overall. In other words, egg consumption may decrease LDL particle concentration, which is the most significant risk factor for heart disease.

Eggs are one of the most nutrient-dense foods available. One egg provides 13 essential nutrients, all in the yolk (contrary to popular belief, the yolk is far higher in nutrients than the white).

Eggs are an excellent source of B vitamins, which are needed for vital functions in the body, and also provide good quantities of vitamin A, essential for normal growth and development.

The vitamin E in eggs protects against heart disease and some cancers; eggs also contain vitamin D, which promotes mineral absorption and good bone health.

Eggs are rich in iodine, for making thyroid hormones, and phosphorus, essential for healthy bones and teeth.

Eggs are also good sources of antioxidants known to protect the eye. Therefore, increased plasma concentrations of lutein and zeaxanthin in individuals consuming eggs are also of interest, especially in those populations susceptible to developing macular degeneration and eye cataracts.

Egg Nutrition Facts: (don't discard the yolk!)

There's absolutely no reason to limit your consumption of eggs to three to four per week, as recommended by "heart-healthy" nutritional guidelines. In fact, consuming two to three eggs per day would provide a better boost to your health and protection against disease than a multivitamin supplement. Eggs truly are one of nature's superfoods.

It's important, however, to make sure that you buy organic, pasture-raised eggs. Studies show that commercially-raised eggs are up to 19 times higher in pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids.

Unfortunately, almost all eggs sold in supermarkets -even the organic eggs sold at chains such as Whole Foods and Trader Joe's are not truly pasture-raised. To find these eggs, check your local farmer's market or make friends with someone that raises their own! Local > Chains.

Fresh Egg Tip:


Yours in Health,


Dr. David R. Mason, D.C.

Be Fit. Eat Right. Think Well. Get adjusted.



1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

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